What is Erectile Dysfunction and how does Potencialex help against it?

There are many disorders that can affect a man’s sexuality. Erectile dysfunction is the most well-known disorder. Erectile dysfunction refers to inability to achieve enough rigidity (erection of the male member) for satisfying sexual intercourse.

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Erectile Dysfunction

This means that you are unable to achieve the desired erection or can’t maintain it for long enough. Often, sexual desire (libido), is still present. However, libido can disappear over time as the affected don’t have to face their “failure”

There are two terms used interchangeably to describe erectile dysfunction: Sterility and Impotence. The term impotence can be very vaguely defined. Previously, there was a distinction between inability or inability to perform coitus (impotentia coleundi) as well as inability to reproduce (impotentia générandi). Sterility is the inability for a man to reproduce. It is also known as inability to procreate. However, erectile function usually is not affected.

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Erectile dysfunction can occur infrequently or for a short time. It may lead to permanent loss of erectile ability. In medical terms, erectile dysfunction is when the patient cannot achieve sufficient erection in 6 months after about 70% of unsuccessful attempts.

Many times, Erectile Dysfunction can be a Result of other Diseases

Complex interactions of blood vessels, nerves, hormones, muscles, and hormones can cause erectile dysfunction. It is easy to see that erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors. Erectile dysfunctions are often a symptom of other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or coronary heart disease.

Other causes include genital malformations or surgical interventions in the pelvic area. Erectile dysfunction can also result from the use of certain medications like alcohol or nicotine. Erectile function can also be affected by psychological problems.

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A diagnosis involves a thorough interview with the patient, a physical exam, including of the penis and testicles as well as blood and hormone tests. Treatments for erectile dysfunction include erection-enhancing drugs and mechanical aids. A quick online test can give you an indication if erectile dysfunction exists.

Because sexual problems were once taboo in society, many men did not seek treatment for them. For a long period there was no reliable data on the incidence of erectile disorder. One thing is certain, erectile dysfunction rises with age.

American research shows that approximately half of all men over 40 have erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. According to a 2000 study by the University of Cologne, Germany, less than one percent of men over 40 were affected. However, in the 60-70 age group, 30% of respondents were affected.

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